Prices for the emptying of biowaste, glass, metal, cardboard and plastic collection containers in 1.9.2024

You can find the complete price list for waste management fees on the website of the City of Oulu (In Finnish)

Hailuoto, Ii, Kempele, Lumijoki and Oulu

Prices for the emptying of biowaste containers (incl. 25,5% of VAT)

Hailuoto and Ii

Size of containerTransport and emptying price total, euros each
80 litre container8,35
140 litre container8,89
240 litre container9,79

Prices for the emptying of biowaste containers (incl. 25,5% of VAT)

Kempele, Lumijoki and Oulu

Size of containerTransport and emptying price total, euros each
80 litre container5,47
140 litre container6,00
240 litre container6,90
0,8 m3 deep collection container28,08
1,3 m3 deep collection container32,57

Example for Oulu, Kempele and Lumijoki

Price per year for emptying of biowaste container, incl. waste container fee, i.e. life cycle fee* Total (incl. 25,5 % of VAT) 
1 user, size of container 140 litres    about 143 €
Shared biowaste container, size of container 240 litres
3 users, price per user per year  
about  53 €
5 users, price per user per yearabout 33 €

*) The price of the waste container service is 3.34 euros per month for containers of less than 300 litres. The prices have been calculated with maximum emptying intervals (4 weeks in September to April, 2 weeks in May to August).

Glass, metal, cardboard and plastic collection containers (incl. 25,5 % of VAT)

Hailuoto and Ii

Size of containerTransport and emptying price total, euros each
Surface collection container, all sizes7,30

Glass, metal, cardboard and plastic collection containers (incl. 24 % of VAT)

Kempele, Lumijoki and Oulu

Size of containerTransport and emptying price total, euros each
Surface collection container, all sizes4,42
Deep collection container, all sizes15,90

Life cycle fee, i.e. waste container service

Kiertokaari has introduced a so-called life cycle fee for the transport of biowaste and packaging waste. The life cycle fee is a waste container service fee, the purpose of which is to guarantee that the customer has intact, safe and appropriately sized containers well into the future.

The life cycle fee is defined in the waste management fees (In Finnish) confirmed by the waste management authority. The waste management authority in Hailuoto, Ii, Kempele, Oulu and Pudasjärvi is the regional waste management department (in Finnish).

The life cycle fee for a waste container includes:

  • the rent of the container
  • changing the size of the container or a new container, if necessary
  • retrieval of the old container
  • stickers for the container
  • waste sorting signs for the housing company in the waste shelter
  • bag of the biowaste container and its installation in connection with the emptying of the biowaste container
  • washing of surface containers in accordance with the waste management regulations.

Amount of life cycle fee (incl. 25,5% of VAT)

  • Containers less than 300 litres: 3.34 euros per month
  • Containers over 300 litres: 4.39 euros per month
  • Multi-compartment containers: 3.58 euros per month

Use of your own waste container

Single-family house residents using their own waste container can choose whether or not to use Kiertokaari’s waste container service. The life cycle fee does not need to be paid if these criteria are met:

  • The resident has their own waste container and the resident is responsible for the maintenance of the container.
  • The waste container complies with the waste management regulations: the container must be manually movable and provided with a cover and handles. The waste container must be suited for mechanised loading. The waste containers must comply with standards SFS-EN-840-1, SFS-EN-840-2 and SFS-EN-840-3 valid on 17 April 2020.
  • The resident takes care of the washing of the containers in accordance with the waste management regulations (biowaste container 2 times per year, packaging waste containers once per year) and reporting of washing. You can use this link to report container washing performed by you (the link opens a Webropol form in a new window, In Finnish).

You can also order washing of the container separately from Kiertokaari. See the price in the waste management fees on page 18.

Multi-compartment service in the Oulu area

The multi-compartment service currently collects combustible waste, in other words mixed household waste, cardboard, paper and plastic packaging. Ask about the availability of the service for your area.

Emptying price (incl. 25,5% of VAT): 13.24 €, life cycle fee 3.58 € per month.

Unsuccessful waste collection

Unsuccessful waste collection refers to a situation where the waste container cannot be emptied. Such situations occur, for example, when there is a car blocking the waste container, the gate is locked, the condition of the road leading to the waste container is poor, etc. In built-up areas, emptying is attempted twice.

Price of unsuccessful waste collection (incl. 25,5% of VAT)

  • Surface collection container: 3,16 €
  • Deep collection container: 7,35 €

If the waste container is not at the collection point while emptying is attempted as per the customer register, the normal emptying fee must be paid.