Recycling Centre Likke

The Limingantulli Recycling Centre Likke has for sale clothes, home textiles, household items, furniture, toys, books, craft supplies, hobby equipment, construction items and repaired electronics.

Additionally, in the Rusko Waste Management Centre there is a small recycling shop Mini-Likke. They sell donated items, such as construction supplies, bicycles, domestic items and hobby equipment.

Both shops only accept card payments.

Read more about our services (click to read more)

Opening times and contact information

Everyone is welcome here. We see diversity as a treasure – just as each item we sell is unique. We do not frown upon diversity, we admire it. We are all a little different and that is exactly as it should be.

Stand out of the masses and be kind. That is what we do.

Limingantulli Recycling Centre Likke

Opening times: Open on weekdays 9.00–18.00, Saturdays 10.00–15.00. See exceptions to opening times (in Finnish).

Sport equipment loan opening times: Open Mon – Fri 10.00–17.00

Address: Jääsalontie 16–18, 90400 Oulu

Likke phone inquiries: During opening times tel. 040 537 8892

Feedback and ideas: likke(at)

Please note that the sport equipment loaning is open Mon – Fri 10.00–17.00, shorter opening times than the Recycling Centre.

Likke is a fully accessible shop. Accessibility has been considered with threshold-free slide doors and wide corridors

Rusko Recycling Shop Mini-Likke

Opening times: Open Mon – Fri 7.00–20.00 and Sat 9.30–16.00, during April 1 – November 30.

Address: Ruskonniityntie 10, 90620 Oulu (Rusko Waste Management Centre)

Mini-Likke phone inquiries: During opening times tel. 040 703 8623

Donate or recycle with us

We accept good-quality recycled items as donations at the Limingantulli Recycling Centre Likke and Rusko Waste Management Centre’s recovery station.

We accept donated items

Donate old treasures from decades ago or brand-new items. We accept different pieces of furniture, household items and construction equipment – items that could become somebody else’s treasure.

Please note that the staff will always decide whether or not the donation is accepted.

Read more about item donations.

Textile donation and collection

Do you have clean, usable textiles that you have no use for? Bring them to the Recycling Centre Likke! Donated textiles and clothes will be sold in Likke’s shop.

Bring us your well-loved and worn textiles for end-of-life textile collection. You may bring 1–4 plastic shopping bags of textile at once to Recycling Centre Likke or Rusko Waste Management Centre’s collection point. Read more about end-of-life textile collection.

Kiertokaari collects approximately 10 000 kilograms of end-of-life textile every month. We recycle all end-of-life textiles and choose the ones that can still be used. Some are utilized as material for new textiles, some are used as garage rags, and some are sold as they are for re-use. Only a fraction is abandoned and utilized in energy production in the Laanila Biopower Plant.

Recycling security documents

In order to ease the everyday life of our customers, we offer some extra services at Likke on top of the shop and loaning. We also accept confidential documents (security documents) at Likke during opening times. The service is subject to a charge. Read more about the recycling of security documents (in Finnish).

Find treasures

You can make sustainable purchases and ensure a longer life for items at the Limingantulli Recycling Centre Likke and Rusko Recycling Shop Mini-Likke. The collections of Likke and Mini-Likke differ from each other a little, see the differences below.

Limingantulli Recycling Centre Likke’s collection
  • Clothes and household textiles
  • Household items
  • Furniture
  • Toys and books
  • Craft equipment
  • Hobby equipment
  • Construction materials
  • Repaired electronics

Textile and clothes sales

At Limingantulli Recycling Centre Likke, we sell good-quality household textiles and clothes picked out of end-of-life textile donated by our customers.

The price of all textiles is 3 € per kilogram (excluding special batches)

Rusko Recycling Shop Mini-Likke’s collection
  • Different construction materials (such as slabs) and building pieces (such as doors and windows)
  • Shelves, mirrors and blinds
  • Pallets
  • Whole-wood furniture
  • Sports equipment
  • Bicycles
  • Lawnmowers and other garden equipment
  • Dishes, toys and other household items

Likke on

You can also explore our treasures via We reserve items for two days, after which the items will be returned for sale. We respond to inquiries during opening times. Items must be collected from and paid at Likke. Recycling Centre Likke on (in Finnish).

Likellä on myynnissä vaatteita myös perheen pienimmille.
Sports equipment loaning

The city of Oulu’s sports equipment loaning services operate in the premises of Likke.

Please note that the loaning service’s opening times are shorter than the Recycling Centre.

The loaning service’s opening times: Mon – Fri 10.00–17.00. Read more about the loans.

Liikuntavälinelainaamon tiski taka-alalla ja edessä luistimet.
Current at Likke

We want to build Likke into an interesting meeting place and a recycling market together with the local people and businesses. Recycling is a good deed. We organize different events and campaigns where you can participate in the activities of the Recycling Centre and get excited about recycling. We communicate about our events here, at Likke and on our social media channels – follow us and stay informed!

Our mission

All the best things have already been made

We get super excited when an item that is useless to someone finds a new life with someone else. We are building the most surprising and beloved recycling centre in Finland together with our customers and businesses.

We believe that the best items are the ones that have already been made. Together we can keep them in use for a long time. With some repairs and cleaning. Patch up and mend them. Cherishing makes items ageless.

Create it to be beautiful and fine and use it until the end before throwing it out. Never mind, do not throw it out, re-use it as material for something new. Recycling and using recycled items is rewarding. With us, you can do it safely. We help you recognize valuable items. We offer guidance and advice – to help you make wise choices.

We are a part of Kiertokaari

Likke is a part of Kiertokaari. Kiertokaari’s vision is to strengthen sustainable, northern responsibility. Our operations are based on our values: responsibility, customer orientation and boldness. At Likke, we give people a chance to be employed and reinforce their self-esteem and competence, and we help people back into working life – we recycle people as well.

Doing good together

Here at Likke, we love organizing different events, campaigns and workshops to promote circular economy. Which is why we cooperate with local people and businesses. Dreams are made to be reached, and we can succeed together.

Do you have an idea for an event or something else you want to organize with us? Contact the supervisor of the Recycling Centre Likke Mika Inkala: firstname.lastname(at) or tel. 044 703 3965.

That Surprising Recycling Centre

We want to create a recycling centre where you, our dear customers, enjoy yourselves. To achieve that, we need your help.

We are happy to receive feedback and ideas to improve Likke – tell us what makes a recycling center fun or totally cuckoo. What would make us the most interesting and magical place?

Send us e-mail, call or visit Likke and tell us your idea. We will implement the best ideas. Feedback and ideas can be sent to the address likke(at)