Etusivu > Other languages > Hazardous waste Hazardous waste Examples of hazardous waste are Paint, glue and varnish in liquid form Solvents such as turpentine, petrol and acetone Alkaline detergents such as dishwasher detergents and oven cleaners Hairspray and other aerosols Perfumes and aftershaves Used motor oils and oil filters Batteries and battery fluids Plant protection products and pesticides Coolant, brake and clutch fluids And other hazardous chemical -labelled household chemicals. Take compact fluorescent light bulbs, fluorescent tubes and compact fluorescent lamps to the waste collection station or a store. Households can take their hazardous substances free of charge to Oivapiste at Rusko waste management centre in Oulu, or to a regional waste collection station. Larger quantities of hazardous substances will be charged. Become aware of the hazards and avoid accidents with chemicals at home. Check the symbols for hazardous chemicals on the site of Safety and Chemicals Agency Sorting instructions Biowaste Paper Paperboard cartons & cardboard Glass Metal Plastic packaging waste Combustible waste Hazardous waste Waste electrical and electronic equipment Garden waste Batteries Pharmaceutical waste Large, bulky waste End-of-life textile Cardboard Waste drop-off points Print summary of sorting instructions (PDF) Hemmets sorteringsguide (PDF) Инструкции по сортировке твердых бытовых отходов