Etusivu > Other languages > Waste drop-off points Waste drop-off points Any waste that does not belong or fit into your own waste container, must be taken either to regional waste drop-off point (in Finnish: jäteasema) or to Rusko waste treatment centre in Oulu. Contact information and opening hours of Kiertokaari’s waste drop-off points are listed on the Finnish site home page. Website includes all waste drop-off points in Finland. Prices and payment methods Most of the hazardous waste from households is free of charge. All recyclable waste such as glass, metal, paper, cardboard and paperboard cartons, waste electrical and electronic equipment from households and discarded tyres with or without rim are free of charge. In Rusko waste treatment center, you can also bring free of charge: plastic packagings end-of-life-textiles. See collection points In general the fee depends on the type of waste, please see the price list online The price of bulky mixed waste is 187,20 euros/ton (incl. taxes 25,5%) and minimum fee 10,13 euros includes 10 kilos. Minimum fees differ from 5,06 euros to 22,27 euros. If you have a one piece of furniture, the single payment is 5,06 euros. Please contact the personnel to confirm the single payment. In Rusko waste treatment centre, please drive to ”Oivapiste” to contact our personnel. For example, if a broken sofa weighs 100 kilos the fee will be 18.70 euros. Please note that in our waste drop-off points only debit or credit card will do, however, in the “Pudasjärvi siirtokuormausasema” bank transfer (invoice) is also possible. Customer service Mon-Fri from 8 am to 4 pmtel. +358 8 5584 0020 Sorting instructions Biowaste Paper Paperboard cartons & cardboard Glass Metal Plastic packaging waste Combustible waste Hazardous waste Waste electrical and electronic equipment Garden waste Batteries Pharmaceutical waste Large, bulky waste End-of-life textile Cardboard Waste drop-off points Print summary of sorting instructions (PDF) Hemmets sorteringsguide (PDF) Инструкции по сортировке твердых бытовых отходов